Reimagining Wealth in the Age of Bitcoin
Picture this: flipping burgers, slaving for scraps, barely making rent. You're stuck in the grind, watching your dreams rot on the grill. Enter SMOON: your blue ticket to freedom. Hourly cbBTC streams straight to your wallet, even while you sleep. Forget the boss, forget the grind and wake up to more than where you left off. Suddenly, life’s upside down. Stress? Gone. Your ex? Blowing up your phone. Family? Remember your name. You stack enough cbBTC to fly out to Thailand. First it’s a trip, then suddenly it’s a whole new life.
A Printer That Prints The People’s Token
Michelle Saylor here, CEO of Size Queen Strategy. We’ve cracked the matrix, we’ll smash the orange cult, and paint the town blue. BTC? Cute. But it’s orange… the color of desperation. Only the based and blue survive. Stack some SMOON, and our chad printer funnels you cbBTC while you chill. Forget sweating over mining rigs; this is a sit back, relax and watch reflections go brrr. Wanna win? Go blue or go broke. The printer’s running. Don’t get left behind.
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You were born into a world where buying a house means taking on a mortgage in the hundreds of thousands. A world where social security is more a myth than a safety net, despite having it deducted from every paycheck. You've entered an investment landscape where the Stock Market has already celebrated its most significant gains, leaving you to wonder what's left for you. You're navigating a reality shaped by the aftermath of 9/11, a crippling 2008 recession, an unprecedented global pandemic, runaway inflation, and escalating violence. You were born into a different America. One that's been forever altered by economic and social factors largely beyond your control. A new world that demands new solutions. SMOON is the reset. SMOON is the canvas on which new financial dreams are painted. It's a tapestry woven with the threads of human hope. It's the stock market for the people. SMOON sows the seeds for a forest of tomorrows. SMOON nourishes the souls and bodies of millions. SMOON is for you, your children, and countless generations after. This new era is helmed by Saylor Moon, guiding us toward a horizon bright with promise.

Ticker: $SMOON
Total Supply: 21,000,000 SMOON
Buy/Sell Fee: 5% / 5%

The introduction of cbBTC by Coinbase represents an innovative approach to blending traditional finance with the burgeoning field of cryptocurrencies. Unlike printing large amounts of traditional money, which can lead to inflation and devalue the currency, cbBTC aims to offer a stable investment by being tied to Bitcoin's value without directly affecting the supply of physical money. This strategy could mitigate some traditional risks associated with excess liquidity, such as inflated asset bubbles in stocks, real estate, and older cryptocurrency models, which might see volatile price swings and financial instability. Additionally, by leveraging blockchain technology, cbBTC aims to reduce the reliance on government-issued debt and could help in averting the fiscal crises often sparked by unsustainable borrowing practices.
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